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Find Your Stride!
Go Run Missoula is a non-competitive running and strength training program for identifying girls in 3rd – 6th grades. Led by qualified professionals, we run, strength train, set fitness goals, and develop leadership skills. Each session includes community races, trail runs, weight lifting, yoga, obstacle courses, and running games.
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Go Beyond Running
We offer 6-week sessions in the fall, winter, spring & summer, meeting once a week at various locations. We support identifying girls to build confidence in themselves, strength in their mental and physical abilities, and connection with their peers, mentors, and community. Each 6-week session includes fun athletic activities, community service projects, and leadership development workshops with mentors.
Achievements Worth Bragging About!
Hours of Community Service
Young Leaders
Races Completed
Support Go Run Missoula
Join us in support of helping girls become confident, independent, and strong leaders.
"GRM has empowered our daughter to find her inner strength, boost her confidence and learn about movement and tips/tricks for a healthy lifestyle!"
"Prior to my daughter participating in GRM I had an 'I can't do this' child. Following running her first 5k she said 'I finished it!'"
"Our daughter's self confidence has improved immensely since joining GRM!"
"My daughter started out thinking running a long distance was something she could never do, and wouldn't like running. She came out loving running."
"A well-rounded physical, social, and community wellness experience."
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